Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris
Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris

The Chaplaincy of St George's Anglican Church, Paris

Our Safeguarding Policy, reviewed and updated annually :

The protection from harm of children and adults who may be vulnerable is of paramount importance to us. As a chaplaincy within the Diocese of Europe, we comply fully with the requirements of the Diocese’s Safeguarding Policy*.

We will not tolerate the abuse of children or adults in any form.


Specifically, within our Chaplaincy we are committed to:


  • The care, nurture, and respectful pastoral ministry of all children, young persons and adults
  • The safeguarding and protection of all children, young persons and adults who may be vulnerable
  • The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ as to the dangers of abuse
  • The careful selection and training of all those with any safeguarding responsibility within the Church, including the use of available criminal records disclosures and relevant vetting and barring schemes
  • Preventing abuse or the likelihood of abuse by encouraging and adopting a proactive stance to safeguarding; responding to the slightest concern whether by rumour, speculation or from an anonymous source – every safeguarding concern will be taken seriously.
  • Ensuring that any concern about safeguarding must be passed onto someone in the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as there are no legal barriers to sharing such concerns.
  • Responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that a child, young person or adult may have been harmed - co-operating with the local police, relevant local agencies and any other relevant body (eg other faith groups) in any investigation.
  • Seeking to work with anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with them an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care.
  • Seeking to challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust.
  • Seeking to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.


If you have any queries please speak to the Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer Mary Jane Wilkie


For additional information please visit:


Propulsé par HelloAsso


08:30    Holy Communion (1662)

10:30    Solemn Eucharist

16:30    Messe Malgache

               (1st & 3rd Sundays

                of the month)


18:00            Evening Prayer 

18:30            Eucharist


09:15            Morning Prayer         

18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


12:00            Eucharist

18:00            Evening Prayer followed by Exposition of the                                Blessed Sacrament


09:15            Morning Prayer     18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


19:00            Stations of the Cross

                       by Zoom


12:00           Eucharist

18:00           L'eucharistie

                       en français

For more information on services see "Worship"


Saint George's Church, Paris
7 rue Auguste Vacquerie,

75116 Paris


t: +33 (0)1 47 20 22 51


Click here for a map

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© Saint George's Anglican Church Paris