The Chaplaincy is no longer led by clergy from St George's. Please contact the churchwardens directly for service times and occasional services (baptism and funerals).
Services take place in English at the Chapelle de la Miséricorde, rue Elie de Beaumont, Caen, on Sundays at 11h00 except August. You are warmly invited to join us! The Chapelle is located behind the Clinique de la Miséricorde, 15 rue Fossés St Julien (tram stop - Place de la Mare). See map at the end of the page.
All are welcome at these services and baptised and communicant members of all Christian Churches which subscribe to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity are welcome to receive Holy Communion.
We eat together regularly (Covid-19 permitting) and you are always welcome to join in!
For more information:
St Mary's Anglican Church, Caen is a congregation in the Diocese of Europe served by its Lay Reader, Carol Hart and the clergy of the North West Deanery of France.
Marian Clarke
+33 (0) 6 22 68 22 86
Michelle Parker
+33 (0) 9 72 99 42 95