Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris
Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris

Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals  and other special services

If you'd like to arrange a baptism, a marriage or a funeral; if you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion and Prayer for Healing at home because of illness; if you want your home blessing; or if you want to be reconciled to God and learn more about the Christian faith; or if you want to arrange a memorial services - or any other pastoral service or need, please contact either the Administrator or the Chaplain.

Funerals at St George's Paris

For those who have been watching the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II we'd love you to know that everyone is welcome to have a funeral service provided by St George's.


Our clergy here - or at any of the Anglican Chaplaincies in the Ile de France can take funerals in church or at the crematorium for anyone. You don't have to have been a regular church attender.


We spend time with you to create a service that combines modern and traditional elements with time to remember, reflect, pray and look forward with hope.


Here in Europe you're asked for a donation rather than charged a fee. Having a service in church can give your family more space and time for the service too. 


It is also possible to have  a memorial service to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one weeks or months after their funeral. 


If you want to plan your funeral, chose favourite hymns or bible readings, and take the pressure off your family and friends we are also available to help you think through your choices.


Get in touch with the clergy via the Office.

Prayers for use on hearing of a death
Because of distance it is not always possible to go to visit someone who is dying, or visit the bereaved. Here are some prayers which you can use on hearing of a death, or on the day of a funeral.
Prayers for use on hearing of a death.pd[...]
Document Adobe Acrobat [65.1 KB]

Last Wishes

If you'd like to help your family and friends, after your death, by providing details of what you'd like for your funeral then please have a look at the Last Wishes. 


You are very welcome to arrange a meeting with one of the clergy at St George's to ensure your wishes are understood.


If you'd like to lodge your Last Wishes in the Office at St George's we'll keep them safely and confidentially.

Last Wishes
Last Wishes_Master.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat [164.1 KB]
Propulsé par HelloAsso


08:30    Holy Communion (1662)

10:30    Solemn Eucharist

16:30    Messe Malgache

               (1st & 3rd Sundays

                of the month)


18:00            Evening Prayer 

18:30            Eucharist


09:15            Morning Prayer         

18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


12:00            Eucharist

18:00            Evening Prayer followed by Exposition of the                                Blessed Sacrament


09:15            Morning Prayer     18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


12:00           Eucharist

18:00           L'eucharistie

                       en français

For more information on services see "Worship"


Saint George's Church, Paris
7 rue Auguste Vacquerie,

75116 Paris


t: +33 (0)1 47 20 22 51


Click here for a map

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© Saint George's Anglican Church Paris