We are a liturgical community - we pray together using words and music that belong to us all. Our life together is shaped by the celebration of the sacraments which the Church of England defines as 'outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace'.
The Eucharist, or Holy Communion or The Mass
Eucharist means Thanksgiving and is used because other titles are associated with Reformation Era disputes. When you worship with us if you receive Holy Communion in your own church you are welcome to receive Communion at St George's. If you don't want to receive Holy Communion - for reasons of conscience, or the discipline of their Church - please do come forward for a blessing.
'The Lord's own service on the Lord's own day'
Every Sunday we celebrate the Eucharist in French on Saturday evening at 1800 then in English on Sunday morning at 0830 and 1030.
l'eucharistie en français le samedi soir à 18h00 est ouverte à tous. Nous apprécions les chants en français, qui utilisent souvent des airs anglicans bien connus, un sermon et un verre de vin après le culte.
The 08h30 Holy Communion has no music or sermon, uses the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, and lasts 25 minutes.
The 1030 Eucharist lasts approximately 75 minutes and has singing, incense, a sermon and provision for children and young people. It's the centre of our week and we prepare carefully for our time together in fellowship and friendship. We look forward to welcoming you!
Children are very welcome. See Creche and Sunday School on the Young People page.
After our main Sunday service we get together over coffee and wine in the church hall. After that, at around 12:45 you are invited to stay for a delicious and inexpensive lunch together – do feel free to join us for this in the hall.
Komoniona Masina (Malagasy Mass)
16h30 - First and Third Sunday of the month. A formal celebration in Malgache and French.
16h00 - 2nd Sunday of the month is an online Office Malgache. Email rev.n.razafindratsima@gmail.com for more details.
The chaplains say Morning and Evening Prayer daily, and everyone is welcome to join them for Evensong in the Chapel from Monday to Friday at 18:00. If you would like us to pray for anyone or anything on your mind, please do talk to us or send us a message.
We celebrate the Eucharist every day, a quiet liturgical service with a meditative atmosphere, lasting approximately 25 minutes, to which you are very welcome indeed.
Services are not held on public holidays unless it is a feast day - check the website for more details.