Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris
Saint George's Anglican Church, Paris

The Eucharist

Eucharist is a Greek word that means thanksgiving and is used for the service which is known as Mass or the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion. In the transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus we see the best metaphor for our own transformation into the Body of Christ today.


There are several opportunities for the Eucharist on most Sundays:


18:00 L'eucharistie en francais

Chaque samedi à St George's, Paris, il y a une Eucharistie en français. Elle comportera des hymnes et des chants et une homélie. La cérémonie durera environ 45 minutes. Il y aura des rafraîchissements après le service.

Nos communautés sont composées d'anglicans de pays francophones et des jeunes qui ont grandi en France - mais tous sont les bienvenus ! Nous espérons que vous profiterez de cette occasion de célébrer le culte selon les rites de l'Eglise d'Angleterre dans la belle langue française. 


8.30am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (1662)

This traditional service lasts 25 minutes and has no hymns or sermon. It uses the language of Archbishop Cranmer and is one of the foundational texts for the English language. There is a short booklet that helps you follow the service.


10:30 Solemn Eucharist is the centre of our week at St. George's.

This is our main service and lasts approximately 75 minutes with hymns, a sermon and incense. During this service we have our Choir, the Sunday School for the children and the Crèche for the young ones.


The service is always followed by drinks in the parish hall and often there is a delicious lunch available for those who would like to stay. 

We warmly welcome all Christians in Paris to our worship and our community.

As an Anglican Church we warmly welcome all Christian's to join us in worship and to become part of our community. If you receive Holy Communion in your own church you are warmly invited to do so here. Those who are prevented from doing so by their conscience, or the discipline of their Church, are most welcome to come to the altar for a blessing at the time of communion.

Here, in the very heart of this busy city, we aim to be a place of the holy, a place of silence and of prayer. As you come to visit us today or to stay, we hope and pray that you may feel something of the wonder and loving mystery of our God, and may feel drawn gently into His sacred presence.


Our church and our services are mainly in English, but our community is made up of people from many countries around the world, including some whose mother-tongue is French. We also have a substantial Malagasy congregation at St. George’s.


We celebrate a simple Eucharist on most weekdays in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the church, a quiet liturgical service with a meditative atmosphere, to which you are very welcome indeed. For security you will usually find the church unlocked 15 minutes before the weekday services.

Propulsé par HelloAsso


08:30    Holy Communion (1662)

10:30    Solemn Eucharist

16:30    Messe Malgache

               (1st & 3rd Sundays

                of the month)


18:00            Evening Prayer 

18:30            Eucharist


09:15            Morning Prayer         

18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


12:00            Eucharist

18:00            Evening Prayer followed by Exposition of the                                Blessed Sacrament


09:15            Morning Prayer     18:00            Evening Prayer

18:30            Eucharist


19:00            Stations of the Cross

                       by Zoom


12:00           Eucharist

18:00           L'eucharistie

                       en français

For more information on services see "Worship"


Saint George's Church, Paris
7 rue Auguste Vacquerie,

75116 Paris


t: +33 (0)1 47 20 22 51


Click here for a map

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